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  • rafam13

5 Lessons From a Great Leader: Mom

Moms are leaders. From our first breath, we look up to them, watching, and absorbing their wisdom.

This Mother's Day, I want to honor my lifetime leader, Sonia De Medeiros, AKA mom. And share the top 5 leadership lessons I've learned from her, with the hope of inspiring others through her words:

  1. "If you can envision it, you can achieve it": Mom taught me to be the architect of my dreams, embracing positive thinking and visualization. She'd say "Feel the happiness NOW, of how you'd feel when achieving XYZ"—flipping doubt into positive manifestations. She showed me that with vision, belief, and commitment we can accomplish anything we set our minds to. A great mantra for any team.

  2. "Everything happens for a reason": We all get upset when hard work doesn't pan out as planned. Luckily, my mom was there to remind me "Something better is waiting for you." Though I responded with sarcasm in my teen years, today, I find myself sharing the same sentiment with others. When one door closes, maybe, a better one awaits! In leadership, resilience, and adaptability are critical when facing adversity.

  3. Put yourself in someone else's shoes": Growing up, mom would always say "How would YOU feel if someone did this or that...", whenever she helped me navigate relationships. She encouraged me to see life through other people's eyes and extend a helping hand to those who may feel unseen or unheard. Making an effort to put yourself in someone else's shoes, understanding how they are feeling and why, is critical in leadership (and in strategy!)

  4. "Smile to life, and life will smile back at you": Mom's warm and loving smile welcomes everyone. Even during hard times, she smiles and expresses gratitude for what's going right. You too can harness the law of attraction in your favor! Celebrating the little wins can have a strong impact and create a ripple of positive energy that inspires the entire team!

  5. "YES, you can": Mom always empowers me to pursue my goals with unwavering support. Like any great leader, she believes I can do anything and is my biggest advocate. She has helped me navigate problems, many times connecting me with just the right person or resource. This is a valuable lesson of truly seeing others and coaching them to unlock their full potential.

Mom, thank you for leading by example and guiding me on my journey.

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