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  • rafam13

Dive into change

Updated: Jan 9, 2023

"Sink or swim" – to swim is to change. Change is a choice, a mindset; it is life.

Growing up, for me change meant moving every few years following my dad's executive career and leaving my home country Brazil at an early age to discover unknown territories: Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, and eventually the USA.

Culture shock in many ways, whether it was exploring the Arabian deserts while feeling the pressure to learn English fast to attend an American school, where I befriended people from all over the world, learning new cultures and ways of life. Or arriving in Venezuela, a country of political turmoil, and realizing Portuguese and Spanish are very different- learning the language quickly to adapt to the local culture. Including singing “Atrévete-Te-Te” (a song used in a political campaign to "dare" the country to change), dancing Merengue, and standing up against injustices to humanity. Professionally, across work experiences in NY and Miami, change meant constantly getting thrown into new challenges, stepping outside of my comfort zone but figuring it out, and succeeding. After all, life truly begins outside of your comfort zone.

Positive change inspires more change. A few years ago, I realized my husband was daydreaming about a long-lost dream: being a pilot. I encouraged him to see that it was still possible. As a result, he got back into training, studying long hours, and flying after work and on weekends. He is officially pursuing this new career full-time since 2020, and I couldn't be more proud. Change is chasing your dream - relentlessly. The first step is opening yourself up to the possibility.

Through my personal experiences, I’ve thrived by confronting the unknown, adapting, evolving, and have grown to believe that change is critical for personal, career, and business success.

The only thing that should ever be constant in life is change. With change comes: learning, growth, evolved perspectives, creativity, inclusion, achievements, love, and much more.

Change is never-ending. It's inevitable. Embrace change every day. It may take courage, willpower, positive thinking. It can be scary and hard at first, but only good things will come when you surrender to positive change.

Never stop changing.

Never stop dreaming, believing.

There is always more to learn.

There is always more to do.

Change is inspiring.

Change is reinventing yourself.

Change is hope.

What will you do differently today to change your life for the better, to change someone else's life for the better?

Change your mind, transform your life.

Let’s swim.

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